Hi there!
I’m Brin, a sophomore at Susquehanna University. I occasionally find myself on assorted adventures, but you can usually find me curled up with a good book. Or, I’m wandering around in the dark looking for street cats! One or the other, but my ideal afternoon is with both – a good book, a happy cat, and no responsibilities.
Sadly, college has me spending way too much time with responsibility. Days see me as a studious learner. I’ve got textbooks and notebooks and highlighters galore. Nights, though? Catch me armed with a knife, a piece of bread, and some deli meat. That’s right, you’ve guessed it, I’m a Subway worker! It’s as glamorous as it sounds, but hey, at least the work drama is good!
Hmmmm, other random tidbits? I love baking! And crafting! My tote bag is always filled with my latest knitting project. Can’t say that I finish many of my projects, but you best bet I’m always starting them! I’m also always going on chaotic thrifting trips. “Just try it on, it’ll be silly!” At this point, keeping life silly and a little chaotic is the goal. Being serious is boring!